Therapy, ADHD Emily Williams Therapy, ADHD Emily Williams

ADHD Awareness Month

When people think about ADHD they may picture someone with tons of hobbies struggling to sit still. But, ADHD can also look like getting stuck on the couch (as my 15 year old dog, Milli Vanilli is demonstrating here) and having loads of started projects… and not very many finished ones.

When people think about ADHD they may picture someone with tons of hobbies struggling to sit still. But, ADHD can also look like getting stuck on the couch (as my 15 year old dog, Milli Vanilli is demonstrating here) and having loads of started projects… and not very many finished ones.

Undiagnosed adult ADHD is receiving more attention these days, and if you’re reading this you may have wondered if this could be you. ADHD can be easily missed in individuals who are skilled at masking and whose ADHD makes them an asset on teams. You may recognize these individuals as having creative solutions, being innovators, jumping in to start projects or lend a hand… so ADHD is not necessarily always a negative thing. After all, celebrities like Bill Gates, Will Smith, and Simone Biles have ADHD. So, you’re in very good company if this is you.

Where ADHD gets tricky (especially if you’re not diagnosed) is when the symptoms - and energy it’s taking you to mask those symptoms - are getting in the way of you enjoying your everyday life.

Symptoms may include:

  • Irritability

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Low self-esteem

  • Job instability

  • Relationship difficulties

  • Coping using caffeine or other substances

So what can you do? There are so many skills and techniques out there for managing ADHD including psychotherapy and medications such as stimulants. Experts in our area for childhood ADHD and family therapy include Better Together Family Therapy in Kensington, MD. We highly recommend checking out their blog to get started on your journey understanding the benefits and challenges that come along with having ADHD.

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PTSD, Therapy Emily Williams PTSD, Therapy Emily Williams

PTS in the DMV

Living in the greater Washington area means access to many different resources. The trick is that you have to know what to look for.

Living in the greater Washington area means access to many different resources. The trick is that you have to know what to look for. For the treatment of PTS, we recommend several local options that complement psychotherapy.

Doctors Mulvaney and Lynch are pioneers of the SGB treatment for PTS and are conveniently located at ROSM in Annapolis Maryland.

SGB or the Stellate Ganglion Block is a simple outpatient procedure similar to getting a nerve block for back pain. Instead of reducing physical pain, the SGB procedure helps to reduce the overactive fight or flight response. This provides lasting symptom relief.

Learn more here

For ketamine treatment of PTS we recommend the compassionate care of Dr. Eshkevari at Avesta. This treatment can help new neural pathways form reducing the symptoms of PTS, anxiety, treatment resistant depression, and suicidal ideation.

For members of our military community, we have a family resource practically in our backyard in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains. Boulder Crest Foundation believes in the principle of Post-traumatic Growth (PTG) and offers retreats for veterans and their families.

Learn more here

If you’re struggling with PTS and would like to start or resume individual therapy for your symptoms, contact us today!

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